
National Training Week in Malaysia …

The attendees are so keen to learn that they attend coaching sessions at 2am, 4am and 6am in Kuala Lumpur or MYT which is 7 hours ahead of us. Starting coaching at 7pm is difficult as I will always give my best, but I was truly in awe of the coachees for attending during their night. 


As a West of Scotland, native English speaker, I was making sure I slowed my speaking right down, articulated my words and spoke in shorter sentences. I also shared my notes and exercises on screen. My IT support for the event was an Associate Vice-President of Bank of America based in Brooklyn, New York who also willingly gave her time. 


My theme was Be Your Own Best Coach. Participants shared poignant stories, practices, and feelings about their experiences. They wanted to use this material and as Jim Rohn would have been so proud to say ‘work harder on themselves than on their business’. Their participation was extraordinary.


So, all in all, I was very humbled by the experience.



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June Has Arrived!


This was a busy week and one of my highlights was chatting with a charity who wants to support and help their staff who undertake some writing work. 

Their rationale is to take away the trepidation which we have all felt at some time or other in the pit of our stomach. It’s that everyone is going to read what I have interpreted and written, and I will be judged.

The main thing is to remember to capture the main discussion points, decisions and action items, rather than every detail. It’s not a verbatim transcript – leave that for the legal eagles. 

If you listen to the speaker and if need, ask for clarification. Never to be afraid to ask someone to clarify something. We all say what we don’t mean and sadly, mean what we don’t say.

 Remember, it’s always the tone of your voice and not the words. It is said that we only remember 7% of the words used. 

Love this Maya Angelou quote – 

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel".

Who do you know, that would love to explore creative writing, raise their profile and get their story out to the world?


Whirlwind Week...

This has been an amazing week working with individuals who have come together – all in the pursuit of learning in one way or another. This learning ranged from creative writing to building confidence. I learned that we all achieved more because we were relaxed and happy in each other’s company and enjoying the experience.

We know so many cliches and quotes about the pursuit of learning, but this week was just about being together. The learning was magical because we were relaxed, individuals had time to be heard, truly listened to and above all appreciated for their own selves.

The creative writers embarked on a journey exploring the intricate depths of their own inner abilities.  Through introspection and deep reflection uncovered hidden aspects of their personalities and emotions. They engaged with imaginative worlds and characters and were able to think beyond conventional boundaries. Crafting plots and resolving conflicts within stories, the writers navigated us through their intricate narrative challenges. 

Building confidence with the tour guides was working on mastering the art of storytelling, engaging with diverse audiences, and managing unforeseen challenges with poise.  Practicing public speaking in front of people you know and who know you, is not easy. However, with interactive techniques, physical and mental preparation, and reading the crowd will make you feel more confident.

Achieving a strong sense of self-assurance and that ability to confidently share your unique voice with the world gives a richer understanding of yourself and your place in the world.


Who do you know, that would love to explore creative writing, raise their profile and get their story out to the world? 

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